Thursday, July 24, 2008

2nd Page and Contract

We have had a bit of a dilemma.
Yesterday Laura was in a critical mood and I was a complete grouch because I wanted to finish the second page but I had to awaken early for a job interview. So when she mentioned something about a certain panel, I snapped back all snappy like.
"Well, this is gonna take me three years already! So talk all you want about making me redo panels just because Miss-Author don't like it. Ble!" Or something equally nasty and mean. It was very trying.
My dad suggested we do more of a illustrated novel instead of panel by panel comics. This was a great idea! The thing was Laura would have to ditch the script and rewrite EVERYTHING.
Long story short, these circumstances made us worried that the artist would be stuck for eternity drawing and coloring panels and would get bored and quit. =) While the author would sit around waiting for her story to finally be complete...while doing really nothing.
In order to avoid quitting, I have signed a business contract (lasting three months). And Laura has promised to learn basic coloring to help me out.
So the dilemma is over! And the second page is done!!! Hooray for progress! However, we will not post the second page as we did the must wait until I have finished the entire Introduction and it is posted on it's very own site! (WOW, way excited here...)

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