Monday, July 28, 2008

Another Awesome PANEL!

Decided to ink all the panels now.
It looks much better.
I would write more, but I have a job interview tomorrow and it's already 1:30am. 0_o
Laura helped to color this one.

We also agreed that in order to properly view this panel you must say the word
"TAXI-PORT!" out loud in the "PowerThirst" voice. Cookies for those who know what I am talking about.
For those who don't click the link.

Saturday, July 26, 2008


A nice panel from the first REAL page of the comic. I hate drawing hands, but this drawing actually didn't make me puke! Which is really nice. -Candice

Thursday, July 24, 2008

2nd Page and Contract

We have had a bit of a dilemma.
Yesterday Laura was in a critical mood and I was a complete grouch because I wanted to finish the second page but I had to awaken early for a job interview. So when she mentioned something about a certain panel, I snapped back all snappy like.
"Well, this is gonna take me three years already! So talk all you want about making me redo panels just because Miss-Author don't like it. Ble!" Or something equally nasty and mean. It was very trying.
My dad suggested we do more of a illustrated novel instead of panel by panel comics. This was a great idea! The thing was Laura would have to ditch the script and rewrite EVERYTHING.
Long story short, these circumstances made us worried that the artist would be stuck for eternity drawing and coloring panels and would get bored and quit. =) While the author would sit around waiting for her story to finally be complete...while doing really nothing.
In order to avoid quitting, I have signed a business contract (lasting three months). And Laura has promised to learn basic coloring to help me out.
So the dilemma is over! And the second page is done!!! Hooray for progress! However, we will not post the second page as we did the must wait until I have finished the entire Introduction and it is posted on it's very own site! (WOW, way excited here...)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Yay for Comix!

Well, we got our very first comic page COMPLETED! Oh yeah! Unfortunately it didn't fit on this format. (You fiend, blogger!) So! You must enjoy the doodle from our sponsor o' the day.....KEITH LANGO! *trumpets* You can see the page here


Haha! Our dad showed up in the official work space of the Nestarican Crew (a corner in Laura's room...) And we talked about art forms, animation, comic styles and all sorts of things. He sketched the above among other things.
But we promised to put his "Comix are Dweeby!" up on our blog. Yay for comix! And cool dads!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Look! Look! ^ A PAANEL! We flipped out when I finished it. We are so excited that we are actually starting to illustrate it! I has proof of existence now! So people! We want feedback! Advice, suggestions, pure adoration, (or pure hate) ANY replies or feedback is helpful! Thank you so much! -Candice

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Yayness! Break out the confetti and the balloons!! Our script is officially FINISHED, revisions and all! *does the dance of extreme joy* I officially started the script in uh.....late march of this year, I believe. (Heh, I'm not good at date keeping....) So all in all it took me a rough 3 months and 2/3. Something like that. However, I shouldn't get all the credit. Candice, with her lovely way with words, helped me with the plot, and with sticky scenes(like romance! It's harder than it looks...) Thank heaven for older sisters. It was kind of hard sometimes, because my characters had changed and developed deeper personalities and mannerisms as I wrote the script, so I had to go back to a lot of my earlier work and scribble whole paragraphs out! But all in all, I'm very very proud of it. Even if it looks more like a secret code than handwriting and has stains and little scribbles on the sides of the half-torn out pages.... Well, thanks for reading!!! =)


By the way, Candice has been exercising her awesome coloring skills on the character profiles. Go check 'em out!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Down to business?

Aherm, since I'm not fond of spoilers, here is a rather elusive plot summary:
A young graduate of a military academy is assigned to an obscure post because of his odd talents and mild temperament. When he arrives, he finds the rest of the unlikely crew almost as strange as him. They were all assigned to the tiny post for different reasons, but it's very clear that the military does not want them or need them, but simply cannot get rid of them completely. However, a political scandal is brewing that would have gone unnoticed, if not for our crew of odds and ends. As they heroically, but not too successfully, try to save the day, they find that maybe they're not so useless after all.


Character Outlines!
Kiloh: A young graduate of the Academy, who really doesn't care for the military at all. If he had his way, he'd be a mechanic right now. He's a mild mannered fellow, who'd rather please someone than upset them with his opinion. Quiet, but bright when it comes to mechanics, he goes unnoticed by most. He feels a little weirded out and uncomfortable when first arriving, but fits in like a glove once he gets to know the rest of crew.

Shelty: She originally went into Academy Service (military service) because she wanted to travel, and see the world. Unfortunately, she got stuck in a tiny port instead. She's what I'd call a burnt marshmallow: looks intimidating, but is a real softy. She is often the one to take charge and organize, though she's not the official captain, only the pilot. Out of all the crew, she tries the hardest to make Kiloh feel at home.

Jerev: He's been just about everywhere and knows just about everyone. Different from the others, he actually requested to be assigned to this post (it was the only place he hadn't been!). Easygoing and utterly hysterical at times, it's not hard to see why he has so many good friends. His only quirk is his extreme messiness, and it's a wonder how he ever finds anything. He is the ship's navigator and can be found either eating, or pouring over his maps he keeps stuffed just about everywhere.

Pepper: A firecracker of a redhead. It's no surprise, due to her sporadic personality, that she's the ship's explosive expert. Though crazy and hotheaded at times, the crew would be lost without her quirky humor and odd antics. She is outspoken and the rest of the crew definitely suffers the side affects, but she has an extremely lovable side which worms its way into just about everybody.

Hian (Hianuro): He is just about the most old fashioned fellow around. Instead of guns, t-shirts, jeans and slang, he prefers swords and daggers, kimono robes, boots, and a large vocabulary. Whoever says "Chivalry is dead" has obviously never met Hian! He is reserved, polite, quiet and intimidating on first aquaintance (but not afterwards!). Nobody has quite a knack for breaking through his reserve like Pepper. They pester eachother to death, and he's the only one who dares to use her real name (Olivia) without fear of annihilation. Besides being skilled in swordsmanship and martial arts, he knows eight languages, and serves as the ship's translator apon occasion.

Meercrat (???): This old toughie used to be quite a general back in the day. Now, the Academy has no more use for his middle age, and has reassigned him here. His rigid demeanor has somewhat softened since he's been exposed to the infectious humor of the crew. He's even been caught chuckling once or twice. He is the ship's "official" captain but has long since given over the role to Shelty.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Just Starting

We are two sisters who often come up with fun and unrealistic projects. Over the years we have tried to write a novel, start a band, cake decorate, sew clothes, illustrate a children's story book, incorporate photo shoots into our everyday life, and other crazy things.Our most recent endeavor is creating a comic. At first, we decided to make it a web comic based on a short story Laura wrote. But the characters and the story were hard to work with. And very cliche. BUT we (unusually) were not discouraged! We scrapped it and went back to the drawing board. Now the story is much improved and we actually have a few good starter designs and characters. Sooooo! We introduce the crew of the Nestarican to the world!
*bow* -Candice

Hey there! Yep, you're going to have to live with the overly wordy-ness of two girls. This comic started rather spontaneously. I was in a science class, listening to a *ahem* very intriguing lecture, and doodled a rough draft of Shelty for entertainment. I wrote down some brainstorm stuff and for the rest of the day (and ever afterward), I was scribbling like mad. My teachers, I'm sure, were rather irritated. =P I finished the script a while ago, and have been toiling and shuffling through revisions ever since. There are 6 main characters (a lot, I know!) who act as our unlikely and rather befuddled heroes. Poor things. I really do put them through the most abominable circumstances. And of course, you need good villains as well. For this, 4 sophisticated (and not so sophisticated) characters have volunteered. This story should be classified as "futuristic", but that just reeks of blue speckled aliens and bad lighting. Rest assured, there are no aliens here. But many guns, swords, explosives, cool technology, and complicated social-political relations. Hope you enjoy! There is a deviantart account just for the comic. The username is Nestaricancrew. There, you can find some character sketches and updates. -Laura

About us:
I guess you could call me the "artist". But please use the title's a little intimidating. I draw and paint and splatter and doodle and scribble and some people think it looks good. I could argue otherwise, but I like to do it, so I don't.
I'm 18, shy, and currently not studying anything except the real life. All in all, I'm a really normal person.
My favorite character is Jerev. And second comes the Ultarian Prime Minister. I LOVE that villian. But my favorite person to draw is Pepper.
My blog:
My art:

Er...herm. I'm supposedly the Author. This is only the 3rd time I've actually finished any author-like endeavors, so you can assume that sunbeams are comin' out of my ears. I'm 13, going into 9th grade in a couple of weeks (eek!) and I don't really know if I'm shy or outgoing, or what. =\ I love singing, good music,movies, plays, books, and horses. Yes, I know the horses thing is "so nine-yr old...", but I haven't outgrown it yet...I hope I never do! I offically became a comic/anime nerd a couple of months ago, and my bookmarks list has been bombarded ever since. I'd say that I'm rather odd, but even normal people say that, so I guess you'd just have to know me to understand. My favorite character...hermmm...I can't pick one! My favorite villain is definitly Athalia. What can I say? Lady villians are just plain cool.