SO! Starting with yesterday, there are gonna be some big changes around here folks! Alright. So. My big sister has found that college, various jobs, and life pretty much have piled her plate up to the ceiling, and comic pages just aren't ringing her chimes like they used to. Her artsy-fartsy side is so awesome and crazy that she doesn't like drawing in the same style all the time, so comics are kind of liked forced art form. Which is never healthy. Sooooo! Now that this has been revealed to me, we once again refer to the original advice of our father. Yup. That's right. He got us. AGAIN. So, when we were first starting this puppy, he thought that it would turn out better if I actually wrote the story like a novel, and then there would be random illustrations (with words even!) by the loverly older sister splurted here and there in certain parts of the story. Which, is actually a really cool idea. But! We aren't done yet, ( Wow. Now I feel like I'm in one of those annoying, really long bargain commercials for useless products) not by any means. To free it up, the loverly artist can do whatever style she likes. So! It's kind of hard to explain, but she would tell some of the story with pictures, and I would tell the rest with words. But it's NOT illustration. Maybe you should just wait and see wait we mean. ;) Thanks for reading folks!
~That (younger) Lango Girl
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
*sputters* Wow. Just wow. A wonderful software program straight after my own geeky comic-ey heart. IT IS SO AMAZING! And wonderful...and pretty...and *sob*. It's so beautiful. No more hours of sizing and resizing and coloring in speech bubbles and all other sorts of nonsense. It does it all FOR YOU! I love technology. It's sooooo awesome. Ooooooooh the glory of ComicLife! Whats that? Oh, we don't actually own it you say? Well uhm...what can I say? We're cheapskates. We got the thirty day trial thingie. But I'm really hoping that we can buy it! Because it is so wonderful....
*wink wink nudge nudge*
Ok. She might have been a little too awe inspired. But it IS awesomeness at it's best. I no longer fear speech bubbles. And I LOVE the makes putting a page together fun! (I didn't know that was possible) I think I'm going to invest thirty bucks into the best comic making program ever. I haven't actually done any Nestarican stuff with it...but I used it for a comic contest on one of the art forums I hang out at...and I can't wait to throw it on my lovely crew!

Ok. She might have been a little too awe inspired. But it IS awesomeness at it's best. I no longer fear speech bubbles. And I LOVE the makes putting a page together fun! (I didn't know that was possible) I think I'm going to invest thirty bucks into the best comic making program ever. I haven't actually done any Nestarican stuff with it...but I used it for a comic contest on one of the art forums I hang out at...and I can't wait to throw it on my lovely crew!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
The New Year!
Weellll...I won't bore you with resolutions that won't be fulfilled, but a New Year's post was necessary. Aren't they always? So here's the scoop for what will be happening in 2009. Isn't that so cool? 2009!
- My last day working at the Children's Center is January 5th. This means that I'll have tons of time to drawr! And color, and update! Booyah.
- We're looking forward to alot of stuff on the site this year. Right now we are trying to get some Character Profiles up, but we are also planning and brainstorming through other stuff too. Maybe a Newsletter, Forums, Fan Art pages, and other cool secretive things we won't tell you yet.
- *Sigh* We still have a whole load of things that are giving us trouble everytime we update. Coloring, and Text bubbles are among the growing members of the "FIX ME PLEASE! List". I've downloaded a program called ComicLife, but I still haven't installed it or experimeted with it yet. I'm hoping it will help me with the demon text bubbles, and maybe even improve the page layout. Here's to hoping!
I hope everyone had an awesome Christmas and wonderful New Year!
- My last day working at the Children's Center is January 5th. This means that I'll have tons of time to drawr! And color, and update! Booyah.
- We're looking forward to alot of stuff on the site this year. Right now we are trying to get some Character Profiles up, but we are also planning and brainstorming through other stuff too. Maybe a Newsletter, Forums, Fan Art pages, and other cool secretive things we won't tell you yet.
- *Sigh* We still have a whole load of things that are giving us trouble everytime we update. Coloring, and Text bubbles are among the growing members of the "FIX ME PLEASE! List". I've downloaded a program called ComicLife, but I still haven't installed it or experimeted with it yet. I'm hoping it will help me with the demon text bubbles, and maybe even improve the page layout. Here's to hoping!
I hope everyone had an awesome Christmas and wonderful New Year!
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