Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hiatus =(

October is a crazy month. And our schedules are filled.
Candice has lots of work...parent teacher conferences, 3 Star evaluations, two parties to plan, Child Assessments etc.
Laura has Romeo and Juliet (waay too many practices and dress rehearsals!) Mid terms, Guitar lessons etc.
On top of this we have some amazing friends that are visiting with us from LA. We can't do ANYthing while they are here. We wouldn't want to do anything while they were here. Except hang out with them! (You would understand if you knew them.) They are people that feed your soul with good conversation and understanding and encouragement.
Allll of this to say... (With a great amount of sadness) that The Nestarican must go on hiatus. We have to take a break. It's just necessary, folks.
We're planning on updating, of course! But I won't be making it every tuesday. We have lots of other projects at this time and wish there were 28 hours in a day just to draw pages and pages...but not on this side of heaven. As it is, this post is probably incredibly incohisive because Candice should be asleep instead of rambling about lost minutes. -_-

Here's to wishing for better time management, more hours to a day, and less irritating things that get in the way of drawing,
Those Lango Girls

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