Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Yay for Comix!

Well, we got our very first comic page COMPLETED! Oh yeah! Unfortunately it didn't fit on this format. (You fiend, blogger!) So! You must enjoy the doodle from our sponsor o' the day.....KEITH LANGO! *trumpets* You can see the page here


Haha! Our dad showed up in the official work space of the Nestarican Crew (a corner in Laura's room...) And we talked about art forms, animation, comic styles and all sorts of things. He sketched the above among other things.
But we promised to put his "Comix are Dweeby!" up on our blog. Yay for comix! And cool dads!


fipi said...

Hey, I found my way here from Fanart Central, and I gotta say this is AWESOME! The characters sound really cool, and the first page is amazing. It's cool that there's a lot more involved in the story than just the characters and their adventures. I'll be reading the comic and rooting for you. :D Oh, and I like your dad's sketch. It's very... interesting. In an awesome way, of course.

Those Lango Girls said...

Fipster, you're the best.
We were so encouraged by your very nice comment.
Our efforts will double for at least a month, fueled by your "fipi said" post.

Woah! Fipi, the man of few words wrote a paragraph?!?!?!? *faints in happiness* Thank you!!